Saturday, February 25, 2012

Watch latest movie:John Carter

John Carter is an upcoming 2012 action film featuring John Carter, the heroic protagonist of Edgar Rice Burroughs' 11-volume Barsoom series. The film marks the centennial of the character's first appearance in 1912.Former Confederate captain John Carter (Taylor Kitsch) is mysteriously transported to Mars ("Barsoom") where he becomes part of a conflict between the various nations of the planet, whose leaders include Tars Tarkas (Willem Dafoe) and Princess Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins). Carter takes it upon himself to save Barsoom and its people.The film is the live-action debut of director/writer Andrew Stanton and is co-written by Mark Andrews and Michael Chabon. It is produced by Jim Morris, Colin Wilson, and Lindsey Collins, and scored by Michael Giacchino.

Directed by
                  Andrew Stanton
                  Taylor Kitsch 
                  Lynn Collins
                  Willem Dafoe
                  Thomas Haden Church 
                  Samantha Morton
                  CiarĂ¡n Hinds
                  Mark Strong

The film is largely based on A Princess of Mars, the first novel to feature John Carter. It was originally serialized from February though July 1912, in six monthly issues of the pulp magazine The All-Story as "Under the Moons of Mars" parts one to six, and then those chapters were collected as a hardcover book in 1917. In the novel John Carter is a former American Civil War Confederate Army captain who is mysteriously transported to Mars, known to its inhabitants as Barsoom. In the course of his adventures he learns that the planet is dying from the loss of its atmosphere and water, and that only a peaceful alliance of its intelligent inhabitants can save all the species of Barsoom from extinction.


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